Over 300 delegates from 12 countries in Asia Pacific attended the 4th Summit of APCAT (Asia Pacific Cities Alliance for Tobacco Control and NCDs Prevention) in Bogor, Indonesia during 25-26 September 2019. APCAT 2019 was jointly organized by APCAT, Ministry of Health Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Bogor City, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), and Partnership for Healthy Cities, Vital Strategies. The delegation included Mayors, Governors, Members of Parliament, high level national and subnational government officials, representatives from civil society, academia and the media.

Tobacco control is a political choice. Strong subnational leadership will ensure effective measures of tobacco control by identifying local solutions to local problems in the region.

Held on 25-26 September in Bogor, Indonesia, APCAT recognised its host city as the first city in Indonesia to implement a smoking ban in public places, a ban on tobacco product displays at point-of-sale, and other tobacco products such as e-cigarettes. The city is a pioneering example of how strong leadership can pave the way for a world free from tobacco-related disease.

Welcome notes were made by Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, a key ministry in the process of the pp109 amendments. Also gracing the event were the secretary general of Ministry of Health as well as the Advisor to the Minister of Home Affairs. Welcome remarks were also made via video by Kenning Henning, Director, Public Health Program, Bloomberg Philanthropies.


“76 people will die by tobacco at the end of my speech, and 2 of them will die in Indonesia. More than 8 million people around the world die each year because of tobacco, directly or indirectly. Or 76 people every 5 minutes. In Indonesia alone, more than 225 thousand people died each year, or 2 people every 5 minutes… all because of tobacco!”

Mayor Bima Arya of Bogor City welcomes delegates at the opening of the summit

“Efforts to tackle the problem of smoking requires commitment and synergy of all parties. We also need to learn from the experience of other regions and countries in the fight against cigarettes. Therefore, I appreciate the implementation of APCAT and hope that it can become a vehicle for the exchange of ideas, ideas and experiences as input for the government in formulating policies that are more effective and efficient in overcoming the problem of smoking.”

Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita -THE MINISTER OF COORDINATOR FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURE speaks at the opening.

“Tremendous progress has been made since Bloomberg Philanthropies started our public health programmes years ago. I congratulate you on all the progress made in tobacco control in your cities and your countries and wish you all the best during the 4th APCAT summit”

Kenning Henning, Director, Public Health Program, Bloomberg Philanthropies.


is a strong call towards eventually ending tobacco use and preventing NCDs


Official opening of the 4th APCAT summit
Youth leaders present their visions for a tobacco free future

Delegates destroy replicas of cigarettes at the launching of Smokefree Bogor

The city of Bogor was alive with no smoking banners and posters to raise awareness for the summit and the dangers of smoking

Delegates start of their long day of meetings with light exercise, leading by example to stay strong and healthy.

Delegates got the opportunity to witness one of the unique enforcement mechanisms in Bogor City, the mobile court. Pictured here are individuals receiving fines for smoking in smokefree areas.

Formation of two new strategic alliances


Responding to emerging consensus for a regional media alliance to help accelerate APCAT’s agenda and broader tobacco control and NCDs prevention efforts, media attending APCAT 2019 announced the formation of regional media alliance in Asia Pacific for ending TB and tobacco, and preventing NCDs.

This media alliance is being formed with the intent to help bolster communications towards achieving the core goals and objectives of APCAT as well as strengthen efforts to end tobacco use, end TB and beat NCDs in the region.

APCAT Parliamentarians

Members of Parliament (MPs) from several countries of Asia Pacific who were attending APCAT 2019 announced the formation of APCAT Parliamentarians to help accelerate progress on tobacco control and prevention of NCDs in the Asia Pacific region as well as mobilize stronger political commitment towards this public health agenda nationally. Members of Parliament from Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia and Vietnam pictured above announcing the formation of the caucus.

We, the delegates of the 4th APCAT, recognize the catastrophic health, economic, environment and social consequences of tobacco use and burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which is threatening to derail progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and yet is majorly preventable. Therefore, we commit to accelerate progress towards eventually ending tobacco, as well as preventing the avoidable burden of NCDs and thereby avert untimely deaths, by:

  • Making effective implementation and enforcement of 100% smokefree policies in cities and districts ensuring more than 90% compliance in public and workplaces
  • Advocating to national government and policy makers to raise taxes and prices on tobacco products, alcohol, sugary and sweetened beverages
  • Enforcing ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, including ban on display of tobacco products at point-of-sale
  • Urging national government to ban electronic cigarettes, heated tobacco products, shisha and other to other emerging tobacco products
  • Committing to find local resources for monitoring and research of tobacco use and NCDs, and scientifically documenting evidence of cost savings, public health gains and other benefits of effective tobacco control and prevention of NCDs. The secretariat of APCAT will facilitate the cities by establishing a technical expert team.
  • Committing to ban sugary and sweetened beverages in at least all government offices, educational, health, and childcare facilities other places wherever possible
  • Establishing a provision of licensing for sale of tobacco products, alcohol, sugary and sweetened beverage to restrict access
  • Committing to ban tobacco industry’s interferences and lobbying
  • Committing to foster partnership with bilateral, multi-lateral organizations, professional organizations and media
  • Committing to contribute annual membership fees to the APCAT Secretariat
  • Supporting members of parliament and media to build regional alliance on tobacco control and prevention of NCDs
  • Committing to end tobacco, prevent the avoidable burden of NCDs and thereby avert untimely deaths.

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